Saturday, July 19, 2003 | |
19 Jul 2003 @ 13:38
I am the Knowledge of my Name"
Tuesday, July 22 7:00PM
Unitarian Universalist Church of Long Beach
5450 Atherton
Presented by Catherine Wright
Priestess of Mary Magdalene
and the Temple of Isis/Los Angeles
For information/directions contact Catherine at
The Rite is on July 22, the feastday of St. Mary Magdalen in Catholicism. On that day, a prayer service/Mass is celebrated in many Catholic, Episcopalian and other denominations, honoring Myriam of Magdala as the first of the Apostles, a pre-eminent leader of the Early Church. The Gnostic Mary Magdalene, however, is a manifestation of Sophia, the Goddess of Wisdom. A Gnostic church in Palo Alto celebrates a Rite written/compiled by Bishop Rosamonde Miller, which celebrates the Sacred Marriage of Sophia/Logos and has much material from the early Gnostics that would be recognized by pagans and practitioners of the rites of Isis and Osiris.
Now there are also pagan Gnostics, and we who find our spiritual home in the earth spirituality traditions celebrate the Divine as Goddess, and have spiritual knowledge ("gnosis") of Her in Earth, the Cosmos, the inter-connectivity of all things seen and unseen.
We will gather in Long Beach to celebrate all that Myriam is and signifies. We will claim and honor Her as we know Her in the intimacy of our hearts. Let the Dance begin…
(Event not sponsored by UUCLB)
Catherine Wright is a Priestess of Mary Magdalen in the Fellowship of Isis and Temple of Isis Los Angeles (TOILA). TOILA is part of (|Temple of Isis} in Geyserville, CA
Catherine is also an active member of Feast2t Watch their website for upcoming events in the Fall.
We hope you will come join us!
19 Jul 2003 @ 17:27
Life is surreal at times. The phone rang last week just as I was getting out of my car to go food shopping. It was Julie calling from Glastonbury. So there I was in the healthfood store walking through the produce asile connected in to Avalon. Seems there is a group of people who wan to take a trip to a faerie forest just after I arrive. According to Jewels, "It is known as the "Morgana" line there."
We will be traveling down to Boscastleand perhaps visit merlin's Cave
I am very excited to be wisked away on this grand adventure!
19 Jul 2003 @ 17:13
By Kim Curtis
Tuesday 15 July 2003
SAN FRANCISCO - A high school teacher, fed up with the Bush administration's popular playing cards featuring Saddam Hussein, "Chemical Ali" and other most-wanted Iraqis, is now selling her own deck, "Operation Hidden Agenda."
Kathy Eder's 55 playing cards show pictures of President Bush, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and others along with quotes, mostly from journalists, questioning the rationale for the U.S.-led war. The backs feature a 1983 photograph of Rumsfeld shaking Sadaam Hussein's hand.
Eder said she first decided to create her own plastic-coated propaganda in March as a comeback to the "messages of hate" contained in the cards the Department of Defense issued to help U.S. troops identify suspected war criminals.
Her "Hidden Agenda" cards, are "not hateful. They're factual," she said.
Kathy Eder holds a deck of cards she designed in San Jose, Calif., Monday, July 14, 2003. Eder, a high school teacher, fed up with the Bush administration's popular playing cards featuring Saddam Hussein, ``Chemical Ali'' and other most-wanted Iraqis, is now selling her own deck, ``Operation Hidden Agenda.'' (AP Photo/John Todd)
In Eder's version, Bush is the ace of spades with the title, "Dictator of the World," and the ace of clubs depicts Rumsfeld above the caption, "Donald Goes to Bagdad" - with the Iraqi city misspelled. The jokers carry quotes from Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.
Eder used free, public domain DOD photographs (several of the same ones show up repeatedly) and collected the quotes from newspapers and magazines. She hired a designer willing to work for $15 an hour and 5 percent of the profits. But only one of the about 30 publishers she contacted responded at all, and itsaid it couldn't get to the cards for at least a year.
"I knew this was something that had to happen immediately," said Eder, 42, who teaches social justice and morality at Bellarmine College Preparatory School in San Jose.
She decided to self-publish, but then couldn't find a printer willing to do the job.
Eventually, Texas-based Liberty Playing Cards, one of the companies that prints the government's "Most Wanted" cards, agreed.
Once the product became available online and at a few bookstores, Eder said she sold 3,000 decks in three weeks. She's already placed a second order for 5,000 decks.
At Bookshop Santa Cruz, people lined up outside the store the morning the cards went on sale, according to Don Gardner, who works at the store. With about half of the purchasers buying more than one deck, the store has sold about 1,100 copies of "Hidden Agenda," which "may be running neck-and-neck" with the latest Harry Potter book, Gardner said.
"She imitated some of the best marketing minds in the country," Gardner said, referring to the U.S. government. "I don't think it's her intention to make a million bucks. I don't think it's her intention to attack individuals, but to expose the record of American leadership."
But many retailers have refused to sell the cards and Eder said she's received angry e-mails and a death threat.
She's not deterred.
"My taxes paid for this war," she said. "I have an obligation to do something."
Eder has pledged to donate half her profits to five nonprofit organizations that promote nonviolence and provide aide to Gulf War veterans and Iraqis.
Eder said her mission is peaceful, not unpatriotic. She said she visited the site of the World Trade Center in New York last year.
"I felt such a connection with the U.S.," she said. "This year, when we chose to go to war and cut off our relations with other countries, it seemed like such a tragedy that we had broken that sense of unity we felt around the world. I hope we can reunite around peace."
© Copyright 2003 by
19 Jul 2003 @ 15:08
After nearly a year of brainstorming, interviewing and compiling we have launched...
**fierce flora**
An International Arts Forum and Source of Inspiration in Response to the Lack of Female Exposure in the Arts
Acclaimed Photographer Roxann Arwen Mills Rina Cheung of Pixelsurgeon The Guerilla Girls of Los Angeles
and introducing: DON'T YOU STOP: The Online Directory
19 Jul 2003 @ 14:40
From Janet Planet:
This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about Shona music from one of the top talents in the world. STELLA CHIWESHE The Mbira Queen of Zimbabwe “One of the most original and exciting artists on the contemporary Zimbabwean scene.” Folk Roots Stella Chiweshe will be available for workshops in the Los Angeles area after her free performance at the Skirball on Thursday evening July 31, 2003 on the following dates:
Friday - Aug 1, 2003 - 1pm-4pm
Saturday - Aug 2, 2003 - 11am-3pm
Workshops will be tailored according to student's playing levels & interests & availability. Workshops: Shona mbira, singing, dancing, hosho, etc. Privates also available. If you're intersted please contact us ASAP! email -
Stella Rambisai Chiweshe, Zimbabwe’s foremost mbira (a thumb piano with 22 to 28 metal keys mounted on a hardwood soundboard typically placed inside a large deze or gourd resonator) player has, over the past 30 years, emerged as one of the most original artists in the contemporary African music scene. Known at home as "Ambuya Chinyakare" (Grandmother of Traditional Music) and around the world as “The Queen of Mbira”, her songs are resonant with the themes of liberation, spirituality and social justice. Wrapping her evocative vocals around haunting mbira lines, sultry percussion and call & response choruses, Stella creates warm dance grooves based on mbira rhythms and utilizes popular music forms and contemporary instruments to showcase the depth and power of the Zimbabwean spiritual tradition. She has introduced mbira music to a broader audience without sacrificing the instrument’s and her own relationship to their roots. In the process she has emerged as a Zimbabwe cultural ambassador. As the only woman in Zimbabwe who leads her own band, Stella Chiweshe is in control of her own equipment and transport, an achievement only those, who know under what kind of conditions female musicians normally work in Africa, can truly understand. She took a leading role in the formation of the Zimbabwe Musicians Union, and since 1993 she is director of the Mother Earth Trust Network of Female Artists in Zimbabwe. Stella Chiweshe has toured the world extensively since 1983 and has released seven critically acclaimed and internationally successful albums most recently 2002’s Talking Mbira: Spirits of Liberation. Last winter Stella completed a US solo tour with performances at this year’s Folk Alliance (February), Joe’s Pub (NY), The Kennedy Center (Washington, DC), Boston and New Mexico.
Please contact Janet at or call 310-770-7370 for more information. Visit Janet's Website for more information about African Music and Events.
Thursday, July 17, 2003 | |
17 Jul 2003 @ 08:15
A Fringe Goddess Conference day Workshop with Letecia Layson ( Women Only ) Day-Long Workshop Tuesday 29th July at the Pilgrim Centre on Magdalene Street
Dress comfortably. No Dance Experience Needed. Bring percussion, drums, rattles, veils and scarves to dance with or adorn yourself or others. Book via Goddess Conference 2-4 High Street or contact Julie Solheim-Roe All Tuesday workshops begin at 10am and end between 4-5pm. 30 Sterling for the day Please bring a packed lunch/ pot luck to share. / Tea and coffee provided.
~ Let the Muses guide your Body:
"To allow your own relationship with the Fates to Dance you ~ Such transpersonal and yet deeply personal Work allows for a body ReMembering of the Ancient Future Dance Temple that is inherent in the blood and bones of all women. The body intelligence which arises from this particular form of Sacred Dance has healed and influenced my life greatly, and I have bared Witness to many women for whom it has altered. This is the opposite of performance dance; It is about the Deeper Inner Dance of all Ages, with Woman supporting and witnessing Woman. This Work can help women release their true beauty and inherent wisdom in an extraordinary and palatable sense." ~Julie Solheim-Roe
17 Jul 2003 @ 09:43
It is with great joy that I announce the release of my two new CDs from Dancing Tree Music, THE YEAR IS A DANCING WOMAN, Volumes 1 & 2.
From July 16th-August 18th I will be in Great Britain teaching and giving a concert at the Goddess Conference, and then on to the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival.
Ruth Barrett THE YEAR IS A DANCING WOMAN Goddess Chants, Songs, and Invocations for the Wheel of the Year Volume One: Midwinter through May Eve Volume Two: Midsummer through Hallomas
The collection features my daughter, Amanda Barrett, Dena Drotar, Diane Miller, and Kerry Noonan on chant chorus vocals, and Harvest Brown, Holin Badger Shu-bad on percussion
The CDs include original works by Ruth Barrett, Diana Earthmission, Kay Gardner, Niki Harris, Carolyn Hillyer, Holin Kennen, Sue McGowan, Shekhinah Mountainwater, Kerry Noonan, Lori Richards, and Starhawk, Plus songs from traditional folk sources celebrating the seasons
The cover artist for both volumes is Mara Bosch, and each CD includes song notes and lyrics. From the CD booklets about the recordings:
It has been my delight to present this musical offering that includes so many pieces by some of my favorite composers. I am deeply thankful to the talented crew of priestess singers and percussionists who brought their creativity, passion, and love to this project. Having the opportunity to sing with my beautiful daughter, Amanda, was a particularly wondrous and precious experience.
I had many intentions in producing this recording. Foremost, to provide you, the listener, with an enjoyable musical journey around a Goddess- and woman-centered Wheel of the Year. Secondly, to share these wonderful chants in a form that both teaches them and offers some suggestions for group singing and harmonizing. Last, but not least, I hope that these chants, songs, and invocations will help to bring you into a deeper understanding and resonance with Her seasonal Mysteries as they overlap and correspond with the cycle of women's lives.
I hope that these offerings will be well loved, sung, and find their way into your personal and group rituals throughout the year. Enjoy!
Ruth Barrett
FYI if you are interested in other women's music, take a look here
17 Jul 2003 @ 08:43
Issued: 2003 Jul 16 1227 UTC :Product: documentation here
Continued disturbed solar wind conditions have boosted geomagnetic activity to major storm levels (Kp=6). In the coming hours we expect a return to more moderate activity (Kp=3-4). Meanwhile flaring activity on the Sun has dropped below the C-flare level.
Wednesday, July 16, 2003 | |
16 Jul 2003 @ 15:33
The University is opened for registrations starting June 21st!
Dianic University Mission Statement:
We believe in bringing together the diverse souls of women from all over the world, to learn and exchange ideas, and to enhance each other. We can widen the collective female imagination through Goddess/Magical studies, connecting peace, work, ecology, freedom, and personal empowerment with happiness. Women united are changing the world for the better.
From: Z
Summer Solstice is upon us in the Northern Hemisphere,and Winter Solstice magical time is in the Southern Hemisphere. We begin our journey around the sun and along the way we learn Dianic Witchcraft.
The Northern awareness is in which I exist, your teacher, so it is a focus for me.The Southern Hemisphere has the opposite weather, my focus last winter when I have created the CD about it titled "Winter." Focusing on any part of her seasons and any part of her planet body is good for everybody.
We will study a body of knowledge,spells and rituals and phylosophy. We travel together , form our desitiny groups ,learn about our place on the Circle of Rebirth. We have worked hard and finally we are ready. Come and register. I cant wait, this is a first for me!
Blessed be! Zsuzsanna E Budapest
Check here for more info about Z and the Dianic Tradition.
Tuesday, July 15, 2003 | |
15 Jul 2003 @ 11:32
:Issued: 2003 Jul 15 0743 UTC :Product: documentation here
Since midnight, a minor geomagnetic storm (Kp=5) is ongoing.
This storm was predicted and is the consequence of an increasing solar wind speed from a coronal hole approaching a favourable position on the solar disc. A sudden southward turning of the magnetic field in the solar wind around 22h00 UT Jul 14 triggered the beginning of the storm.
We expect a slow decay (< 1 day) of the present disturbed geomagnetic conditions.
15 Jul 2003 @ 11:17
I don't know about you all, but I am not very good at "goodbye's", especially when I know that I am going to see the person again. That is how I felt about Ming moving to France with his family.
I guess we will not have the opportunity to do spontaneous walks at the duckpond and phone calls are a bit more expensive, but I can still email and icq just as I have been doing all along.
Love does not change when distance does. Synchronicity lives and loves now with Jewelsin Glastonbury, England , Ming in France and me with my partner, Raymond in Ojai, CA.
So Jewels, see you in next friday! And Ming see you in a few months.
Oh by the way, I got a flat tire leaving your going away party! Hope you got out of town safe and sound!
15 Jul 2003 @ 10:37
Ran across this picture and wondered what star system was birthing here.
15 Jul 2003 @ 10:26
New Scientist July 9, 2003
Women may ovulate more than once a month, suggests a Canadian study that overturns conventional views on the human menstrual cycle.
The findings may explain why the rhythm method of contraception is so unreliable and could lead to improved, targeted fertility treatments in the future.
Ten per cent of the women studied released two eggs in the same month. And all the women examined by researchers at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Canada showed at least two waves of maturing eggs in their ovaries in the same month.
Traditionally, it has been thought that ovulation takes place only once in every menstruation cycle. A growth wave of 15 to 20 egg-carrying cells called follicles occurs before ovulation. One follicle will become dominant while the others die off.
"It's been assumed until now that women have just one wave per monthly cycle, leading to one ovulation, but nobody has actually carried out detailed analysis before," said Roger Pierson, who led the study. "In fact, all the women in our study had at least two waves and 30 per cent of them had three."
Fertility treatment
The team carried out daily, high resolution trans-vaginal ultrasound examinations on 63 women with normal menstrual cycles who were aged between 18 and 40. Over six weeks, the women's individual follicles were measured.
During the study, 50 of the women ovulated only once, but six ovulated twice and seven not at all. The next stage of the research will be to find out why some waves lead to ovulation while others do not.
"We don't know why some waves lead to ovulation and others don't. But we want to utilise our new understanding of the menstrual cycle to be able to carry out better timing of in-vitro fertilization," Pierson told New Scientist .
Progesterone secretion from the corpus leuteum -- a temporary hormone-producing gland that is formed at ovulation -- may cause a surge in a reproductive hormone called luteinizing hormone, he says. This might have an inhibitory effect on further egg release during the menstrual cycle, which could explain why some of the women did not ovulate twice despite having two growth waves in their ovarian tissue.
It may be possible in the future to harness some non-ovulating waves into releasing eggs for couples having trouble conceiving, he added.
The unexpected findings may also explain why the conception rate for non-identical twins is as high as 10 per cent.
"It could be that more than one dominant follicle is produced during a wave or that dual conception arises as a result of two waves in a cycle releasing eggs," ventured Pierson.
Journal reference: Fertility and Sterility (vol 80, p 116)
Saturday, July 12, 2003 | |
12 Jul 2003 @ 14:56
Jeff Gordon from another New Civilization Network, keeps me posted on solar flare activity - Thanks Jeff!
Issued: 2003 Jul 12 0733 UTC :Product: documentationhere
Minor storm geomagnetic conditions are currently recorded due to high speed coronal hole stream effects (Izmiran: Kp=6), the conditions was active since yesterday midday.
Monday 14 th may see further elevated conditions due to the M3.6 x-ray flare that occurred on 10 July.
Let me know if you notice anything unusal happening on Monday, mood swings, irrtibility, over stressed, sleepy, unable to sleep, etc.
Thursday, July 10, 2003 | |
10 Jul 2003 @ 03:34
Special Guest Letecia Layson
Laurel and Letecia,who collaborate on "Women with Wings", are together again for one special evening of sacred dance with women only. Come and join us as we use the energies of summer to inspire our work! Feel free to forward this to women who might be interested.
Date: Tuesday July 15th
Time: 7-10PM Location: 1026 S Robertson Blvd Suite 300 (Just south of Olympic on the east side of the street. Park on the street)
Cost: $15/single class or a class series $48/4 classes **No one is turned away for lack of funds
For more information contact Laurel Kitten 323-876-1918
Laurel Kitten specializes in Sacred Dance and the Empowerment of Women. She is a Ceremonialist, Doula (labor & birth support), Birth Educator, Massage Therapist, Counselor and Minister. Her dance life has spanned over 29 years from the commercial world to the sacred. Her vision is to support a cultural shift in the conversation around women’s issues, conscious conception, support during pregnancy, birth’s that honor mother and baby first, community support around post partum, attachment parenting, honoring the cycles of eldering and reconnecting the memories of mother, child, family & community back into the tapestry of the natural order.
It has been said that a healthy woman wants what Great spirit wants and thus creates a healthy society. It is important to have sacred space for the women to gather to rekindle the knowing, power and grace that flows through them. This is the time for truth to be remembered. AHO!
Letecia Layson is a Filipina, Feminist, Futurist, Priestess of Morphogenesis (Form Coming Into Being), Priestess of Isis and High Priestess of Diana, ordained in the Dianic Tradition, The Fellowship of Isis (FOI) and The Temple of Isis. Dedicated to a path of service to She of Ten Thousand Names, Letecia is committed to embodying the principle, 'personal is political' by healing and transforming civilization through her words, voice, dance, art and rituals. Letecia has performed with Los Angeles, CA Greek, Arabic and International Folk Dance Troops. She works with her communities, Circle of Aradia and The Temple of Isis in Los Angeles, CA. She cultivates Life and land through permaculture in Ojai, CA with her partner, housemates and cat, Leto. More >
10 Jul 2003 @ 07:09
This link, Cost of War was brought to you by the intergenerational cooperation of Niko Matsakis, in Boston, and Elias Vlanton, in Takoma Park, MD.
It is amazing to me to watch the numbers ticking by and what is really happening with out tax dollars.
10 Jul 2003 @ 06:37
I posted an article on July 4th about the Goddess Conference in Glastonbury. I will be presenting a women's only all day dance workshop on the fringe Julie Solheim will be with me for the second year!
Come join us:
In ancient times, women prepared for sacred work and community gathering with rites of purification and deepening. Join with other women in an all day journey to prepare to meet the Morgens. Our circle will include information sharing, guided meditation, purification and witness dance. Together we will gently move through the veils of reality allowing the Dance to activate the body's intelligence at a cellular level. From this deep place of bodyknowing we will drop in questions, seeking wisdom that lives in us. Let your body be your guide. Our collective work for the day will culminate in a danced invocation inviting the Morgens to work with us throughout the Goddess Conference. Dress comfortably. Bring percussion, drums, rattles, veils and scarves to dance with or adorn yourself or others.
Check here for Fees and Booking Information.
10 Jul 2003 @ 04:11
Jo Tuckman in Mexico City
The Guardian
Friday, July 4, 2003
Forget the burning barricades and Molotov cocktails. Increasing numbers of Mexico's dispossessed and downtrodden believe stripping off is a far more effective way of grabbing attention for grievances.
The vanguard of the birthday suit brigade is a peasant group from the state of Veracruz called the Movement of the 400 Villages. Pot bellies thrust forward on some, loose skin sagging over the ribs of others, youthful athleticism shining out from just a few, they invaded the capital for three weeks this summer.
Their land claims and allegations of repression are being made in this country of 100 million against a background of simmering affliction: more than half the population lives in poverty, and a cinema ticket costs more than the daily minimum wage.
But their demonstrations in various states of undress distinguish them from the many other marchers who regularly bring the metropolis to a standstill.
Naked protests first caused a stir in Mexico in 1985, when sacked miners took to the streets wearing only their hard hats, boots and tool belts.
The strategy lay dormant until the Veracruz peasants picked up the baton three years ago. They were joined by a small but growing, assortment of protesters ranging from oil workers to street vendors.
Stripping, they say, reveals their desperation, underlines their determination, and shows the world they have nothing to lose and nothing to hide.
It is hardly the language of revolution but a strategy, the Veracruz peasants believe, which works remarkably well. The protesters say their tactics last year embarrassed the federal government into negotiating land claims and will, they hope, help secure the prosecution of allegedly abusive officials.
At the end of a recent march, a mass of flesh spread out around a central Mexico City roundabout. Cars honked, children smirked, some adults were shocked and others smiled, until a disembodied voice shouted out: "OK, comrades, clothes on."
Dressed again, the Veracruz peasants melted into the general chaos of the Mexican capital.
10 Jul 2003 @ 03:09
This post came in my box today. Seems like a wonderful way to gether with friends and family in support of Peace.
September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows invites you to:
Please join us in creating Circles of Hope to commemorate the two-year anniversary of our loved ones deaths on September 11. We plan to encircle the World Trade Center site with a candlelight vigil on the night of September 10, 2003. Gather with us in New York City or create a Circle of Hope candlelight vigil in your own community and register it on our website.
We will also be providing materials on our website for discussion circles to explore the psychological and political impact of 9/11 on ourselves, our communities and our world.
Why Circles of Hope?
In the immediate aftermath of the tragedy of September 11th, 2001, expressions of sympathy and solidarity with the victims poured in from people all over the world. As the victims' family members, we witnessed and received extraordinary acts of compassion. Many visualized a phoenix of peace arising from the ashes of the crash sites.
But at the same time, a climate of fear emerged, preventing deep discussion of issues surrounding the tragedy, and driving apart people with diverging visions of how to respond to 9/11. We can overcome this fear and rekindle the hope by recognizing that real security comes through our common desire for healing in our fragmented world.
Components of the Circles of Hope:
€ Join us in New York, or create a Circle of Hope candlelight vigil in your community on the night of September 10, 2003.
€ Create a discussion circle in your community to explore issues surrounding September 11. A discussion circle guide and materials will be available on our website by August 1, 2003.
Join Us in Creating Circles of Hope
1. Register your circle
2. Spread the word! Please forward this email to your lists.
3. Donate to Peaceful Tomorrows. Your financial contributions will allow us to realize this vision. Please contribute online
Thank you for creating circles of hope,
The families of Peaceful Tomorrows
Friday, July 4, 2003 | |
4 Jul 2003 @ 10:51
I use to love celebrating this day when I was a child growing up in America. A day of good company, good food, fireworks at night and a midnight swim.
Now I wonder at the complexity of life and the paradox of feelings that arise in me about this day. Not only does this day represent Freedom from British Rule for the American Colonies, it also represents the Freedom of the Philippines from America as one of its colonies. The bittersweet irony of the day.
In 1946 America gave freedom to the Philippine people:
U.S. Proclamation of Philippines Independence, 1946
Washington, D.C., July 4, 1946
By the President of the United States of America
[Text is from the Bulletin of the Department of State. Washington, D.C., July 14, 1946]
WHEREAS the United States of America by the Treaty of Peace with Spain of December 10, 1898, commonly known as the Treaty of Paris. and by the Treaty with Spain of November 7, 1900, did acquire sovereignty over the Philippines. and by the Convention of January 2, 1930, with Great Britain did delimit the boundary between the Philippine Archipelago and the State of North Borneo; and
WHEREAS the United States of America has consistently and faith- fully during the past forty-eight years exercised jurisdiction and control over the Philippines and its people; and
WHEREAS it has been the repeated declaration of the legislative and executive branches of the Government of the United States of America that full independence would be granted the Philippines as soon as the people of the Philippines were prepared to assume - this obligation; and
WHEREAS the people of the Philippines have clearly demonstrated. their capacity for self-government; and
WHEREAS the Act of Congress approved March 24, 1934, known as the Philippine Independence Act. directed that on the 4th Day of July immediately following a ten-year transitional period leading to the independence of the Philippines. the President of the United States of America should by proclamation withdraw and surrender all rights of possession. supervision. jurisdiction, control. or sovereignty of the United States of America in and over the territory and people of the Philippines. except certain reservations therein or thereafter authorized to be made and on behalf of the United States of America. should recognize the independence of the Philippines:
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Harry S. Truman, President of the United States of America, acting under and by virtue of the authority vested in me by the aforesaid act of Congress, do proclaim that, in accord with and subject To the reservations provided for in the applicable statutes of the United States,
The United States of America hereby withdraws and surrenders all rights of possession, supervision, jurisdiction, control, or sovereignty now existing and exercised by the United States of America in and over the territory and people of the Philippines; and,
On beha1f of the United States of America, 1 do hereby recognize the independence of the Philippines as a separate and se1f-governing nation and acknowledge the authority and control over the same of the government instituted by the people thereof, under the constitution now in force.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States of America To be affixed.
DONE at the City of Washington this Fourth day of July in the year of our Lord, nineteen hundred and forty-six, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and seventy-first.
By the President:
Acting Secretary of State.
Take a look here for some very good information regarding Philipine History, the land and the people.
Moving beyond the past, not to forget, but to know what is and begin a new day, a new way with vision and commitment to a sustainable future for all. Today I am grateful to celebrate freedom. In a way it is celebrating ancestors and the ancestors of the land I live on.
Joy Freedom (Letecia Layson)
4 Jul 2003 @ 17:46
The Lotus Festival is sponsored by the City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks
WHEN: Saturday, July 12, 2003 - 12:00 Noon to 9:00 pm
Sunday, July 13, 2003 - 12:00 Noon to 8:00 pm
(The dates coincides with the blooming of the Lotus Flower)
LOCATION: Echo Park in Los Angeles, California, located on Park Avenue between Glendale Avenue and Echo Park Boulevard, just north of the Hollywood (101) and Pasadena (110) freeway junction, near Dodger Stadium
1711 W. Montana Street, Los Angeles.
Cross streets Lemoyne St. and Montana St.
1632 Bellevue Ave, Los Angeles
Cross streets Temple St. and Glendale Blvd
1711 W. Temple St, Los Angeles
Cross Streets Temple St. and Glendale Blvd.
MISSION: To develop, promote and create an atmosphere of understanding in which Asian and Pacific Islander communities in Southern California are brought together for two (2) days of cultural sharing. To preserve and enlighten the public with a sampling of distinctly different and unique Asian and Pacific Islander customs and traditions in the arts, music, dance, drama and food.
Providing a fun and enjoyable festival for the entire family.
HIGHLIGHTS: Opening Ceremonies begin on Saturday at 12:00 noon, at the 26th Annual Lotus Festival, which include live music, dance and entertainment from a variety of performers representing many of the diverse countries of Asia and the Pacific Islands. This year’s highlighted culture will be “Bangladesh”. A fabulous fireworks final over Echo Park Lake will conclude the day's activities at 9:00 p.m., with the eminent Taiko Drummers playing the background.
Asian and Pacific Islander personalities from the media and acting professions will act as emcees during this two-day event.
Artisans-at-work will be on hand to demonstrate their skills on the beautifully decorated Flower Island . Their artwork illustrates their spirit, tradition and pride of the Asian and Pacific Islander handiwork. Includes: paper-cutting, hand painted scrolls, calligraphy, plant and flower expertise, livestock and
other Asian artwork.
The Health Fair will feature free screenings, information and referrals.
Community service organizations will offer free information, assistance and referrals for employment, social services, immigration, education, housing, translations and a variety of other free and/or low-cost services.
The Art Show Exhibit will feature artwork with the “lotus flower” theme created by students from Middle and High Schools throughout the Southern California communities. Professional artists will judge entries.
The International Marketplace will offer a variety of Asian and Pacific Islander items for sale, including clothing, jewelry, artwork, hand-made crafts, incense, body oils and much more.
Children's Courtyard will give children the opportunity to learn Asian and Pacific Islander arts and crafts, enjoy live music, storytelling, songs and dances.
Queens and Princesses representing their local communities will be in their traditional native dress.
Dragon Boat Races are held both days, with media personalities, community service groups, political and business organizations and local colleges and universities will be competing for awards.
The Food Booth area will offer a variety of Asian and Pacific Islander cuisine, that will feature foods and enticing delicacies, which are traditional to their native country.
4 Jul 2003 @ 13:09
The Nine Morgens of Avalon
Wednesday 30th July - Sunday 3rd August
Glastonbury, England
Following the success of last year's rewoven Goddess Conference, in 2003 we will once again be making collective and individual pilgrimages to the Goddess throughout the course of the Conference. We will be journeying physically, emotionally, psychically and spiritually into the Heart of Her Mysteries as they present themselves here in Avalon in the sacred landscape and within the forms of the Nine Morgens, who are the Nine Ladies of Avalon.
In legend the Nine Morgens are Nine Sisters, Faeries, Fates, Goddesses, Ladies, Crones or Crows, who rule the Isle of Avalon. The most famous is Morgen La Fey - Morgen the Faery or Morgen the Fate, who in Arthurian legend was Morgana, the maligned half-sister to King Arthur. However She is so much more than this, and She has eight Sisters of whom little is known. During the Conference we will be exploring the true nature of the Nine Morgens as Goddesses of transformation, as Sisters working in circle, as Healers, Muses and Guardians of Avalon. Our purpose is to bring them forth from the mists of our forgetting, so that we can recognise and honour these ancient Goddesses of Avalon once again. We will also be exploring the themes of Sisterhood and Cooperation between women, and between women and men.
Our Pilgrimage journey includes Conference favourites - baking Lammas bread, singing, dancing, the Goddess in the Cart procession and all the fun we usually have, and there are new experiences of Her Mysteries which we hope you will enjoy. As usual participants will be supported in Pilgrimage Circles of 13 and we ask for your cooperation in welcoming Conference newcomers as well as old friends, so that everyone has companions on this journey of exploration into the Mysteries of Avalon. We ask for the blessings of the Nine Morgens on our Conference.
Kathy Jones is the cofounder and coorganiser of the Glastonbury Goddess Conference. She is a writer, healer, initiator, sacred dramatist and Priestess of Avalon. She teaches a three year training for people to become Priest/esses of Avalon and trainings in Esoteric Soul Healing. She loves witnessing people unfolding and flowering, and adores the Goddess in Her many forms. She is a founder of the Glastonbury Goddess Temple, the first public Goddess Temple in Europe for perhaps a thousand years.
Tyna Redpath is the cofounder and coorganiser of the Glastonbury Goddess Conference. She is a Wonderwoman who brings her many creative gifts to the Goddess and the Conference. She is the owner of the pioneering Goddess and Green Man shop, which can be found in Glastonbury's High street. One of the first Goddess shops in the UK it offers Goddess books and items for altars, practice and decoration. Tyna is also an excellent craftswoman in her own right.
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"In chaos theory, the edge is the meeting point between order and chaos, between the known and the unknown. In nature it is where creativity and self-organizing happen. It is where new information is created."
Dana Zohar & Ian Marshall
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"Dancing is just discovery, discovery, discovery."
Martha Graham, Blood Memory |